Spring Cleaning


Written by: Colleen Petrunich

I'm not usually one to adamantly celebrate "spring cleaning" every year, but I do try to keep up with clearing clutter from my life regularly (physically/mentally/emotionally). Think about when you do a good deep clean on a room in your house or clear out your closet and how satisfying it feels afterward - can the same feeling be produced when we clear mental and energetic clutter? I definitely think so.

In my own experience, most of the "clutter" that I encounter on a daily basis is from the people around me (energetic) and the thoughts I produce as a result (mental) topped with how that energy and thoughts make me feel (emotional response). Have you ever noticed how a solo night at home or any form of solitude in general makes you feel more at peace? This is because you are cutting out the energetic "clutter" from others. The time spent with your own energy helps clear out the energy from others (positive or negative, it's still clutter) and naturally brings a state of calm to your soul. 

It may not be easy to get some alone time, especially when you share a home with others or are raising kids. You may need to be creative in how you incorporate solitude. Maybe just locking yourself in the bathroom for an extra-long shower is all you need. Any amount of solitude helps pave the way to inner peace.

Clearing your aura is very similar to freeing up space in your closet. The closet is you, or your capacity to hold a certain amount of clothes (energy) before you burst. If you are a shopaholic like some people I know (not mentioning any names), you tend to stuff more in the closet than you have room for. This would be the excess energy you generate each day through the people you encounter, the situations you participate in, the tasks you take on, or even the thoughts and beliefs you allow to roam free in your mind. When you have several drawers full of t-shirts that you haven't worn in ages, they're not just going to disappear because you wish they will. You are responsible for your own space and how much room you inhabit in this life. Grab the biggest garbage bag you can find and clear out all those old shirts and pants that don't fit or went out of style in high school (you know who you are). Pass them along to Goodwill or a clothing drive of your choice. Most towns nowadays have those mailbox looking things. Catch my metaphorical drift?

  • Old clothes that you no longer wear for whatever reason = old energy/habits/beliefs/commitments no longer serving you

  • Giant garbage bag = a space to gather your thoughts and regroup your energy via solitude

  • Process of gathering the clothes = thinking/feeling those thoughts you keep putting aside for "another day". Do whatever it takes to release your emotions in a healthy way. (Watching a sappy movie or show to get a good cry out is my personal go-to.) I've heard screaming into a pillow is cathartic. Any form of creative expression like painting, writing, or playing an instrument helps to release emotions in an abstract way and can be very effective. Physical activity and exercise can be helpful too.

  • Donating clothes = releasing control of the old energy no longer serving you and handing it over to a higher power. This can be done through meditation, prayer, or even just by adopting daily positive mantras/affirmations.

Putting the energetic part aside, even starting with the physical helps with the energetic clearing. It's up to you to set time aside and take ownership of your stuff/energy so you don't wind up on an episode of Hoarders. 

Facing elements of your life that are no longer serving you is not always an easy task. When I was going through a divorce several years ago, I felt so bogged down and couldn't process my emotions. I had all my belongings packed up in storage for over a year until one day I snapped and gave most of it away. I didn't want to start the next chapter of my life with items holding old energy or memories that I associated with my past. It's a decision that I do not regret one bit.

Maybe you are on the other end of the spectrum and have things too organized and freak out when one little shirt is out of place. Or perhaps you wear the same seven outfits each week and would benefit from incorporating new "outfits" into your life. Honestly, I can admit I've been at each of these stages. Your amount of tolerance for energy shifts all depend on what you're going through in life. The analogies are endless. Remember, thoughts = energy and energy has the same weight as physical clutter. Unfortunately, energetic clutter can be more difficult to detect since it's "invisible". Though energetic clutter is usually reflected back to you in your surroundings (again, an episode of Hoarders comes to mind. Those people 100% of the time have something mental/emotional going on that is reflected in their physical surroundings). 

Take a moment or two to reflect on the Spring Cleaning you can do energetically. What thought processes can you squash? Which emotions can you release? I challenge you to take a look at your surroundings and do an honest assessment of your clutter on all levels. Only you can make you feel better - why not try something new this spring and start from the inside out?